Archive for June, 2012

Washington Capitals: Mike Green and John Carlson

The Washington Capitals have several important defensemen whose contracts will expire on July 1. Young stars and restricted free agents Mike Green and John Carlson must be kept since they are still improving and are talented offensively.

Veteran Dennis Wideman is an unrestricted free agent, and probably won’t be kept since he’s a defensive liability.

Losing any one of these defensemen would hurt the Capitals, but keeping Green and Carlson should be a priority.

Boston Bruins: Tuukka Rask

Since Tim Thomas is leaving the cheap jerseys team for at least one season, the challenge of re-signing Tuukka Rask is now far more Wholesale NFL Nike Elite jerseys crucial.

The Bruins cannot allow Cheap MLB Jerseys Rask to leave the team when he’s going to be the starting goalie next year. Losing Rask would make the Bruins go from Stanley Cup contenders to a team that would have to fight hard just to get into the playoffs.